Hi Everyone!

This site is under live construction! Before proceeding you must agree to the temporary terms and condition listed at the bottom of this page. Any use of this site implies agreement to the terms.

I would like to welcome anyone that found this page. Below you will find a little information about what is going on, but more is to come.

Development of this site is live. As such, please do not use it for anything important at this time. At the moment, most of the services are not operational, untested and may not be reliable.

Read on to see some of the background and goals. More will be added as the site is secure and services become operational.

This site is leveraging WordPress 5.02. Due to the newness, there is a learning curve and technical issues to work through. Please excuse the mess while this is being sorted out.

This is the updated main page for myenergylab.com leveraging new technology and capabilities to support a greater distribution. This web persona was first introduced June 10, 2008. The following sites are affiliated with this site:

  • myenergylabs.com
  • myenergylab.com
  • myenergylab.org
  • myenergylab.us
  • certified-electrical.com.

The plan for this update is to bring full spectrum support with regard to how energy and efficient use of energy may effect humans. This includes everything from power generation, distribution, efficiencies in the use of energy, personal energy and anything else that makes use of energy in the context of classical physics, industrial systems, engineering, mathematics, environmental best practices, biology, human behaviors and general economics. The goal is to create a forum for topics related to energy with the goal to improve our living standards for the current and future generations.

This is a for-profit-site, but at this time there are no product offering through this site.

Thank you for stopping by. Please make a point to drop by to see our progress.

To use this site you must agree the following terms:

  • All data may be deleted without notice.
  • Terms and conditions shall change without notice.
  • Security is not in place and as such any data communicated between you and this site can be read my others that have access to the data streams.
  • All data entered into this site may be released to the public at the time you enter the data and at any time thereafter.
  • At this time, please do not use any services or links that are presented on this site if you expect any kind of functional behavior.
  • You agree to hold harmless and indemnify the owners and operators of this site from any action that you may take in association with this site.
  • The information on this site is protected by the freedom of speech as outline under the Constitution of the United States as upheld by the United States Supreme Court, and if any user does not agree with this legal context, by using this site, you agree that your only recourse of action is to block the communication that is associated with this site.
  • The operators of this site shall provide full cooperation, data and other information to appropriate legal authorities if the operator on duty personally believes it would be in the best interest of society to provide such cooperation, data and other information, even in the absence of a valid search warrant; and the user, by using this service, grants operator full consent to provide such cooperation, data and other information to legal authorities. Regardless, of the operator’s belief, the operator is instructed to comply with any legally enforceable search warrant when technically and financially feasible to comply.
  • The user agrees that no information is legally protected at this site.
  • The user agrees not to place any personal information that belongs to anyone, including your own personal information, on this site, which may bring any kind of harm of any kind to anyone, including yourself, if such personal information is disclosed to the general public.
  • All data placed on this site, if owned by the user and legal to do so, at the discretion of the owners of this site, may transfer ownership of such user property to the owners of this site in exchange for the use of this site by appropriate World Wide Web services. As an example, if you think you have a patentable idea, get your patent first to protect yourself before placing any related information on this site. Anything provided on this site that cannot be legally transferred or contains data that may imply an illegal act by claiming ownership shall remain with the user, and as such the user shall be fully liable to third parties and to the owners of this site for placing such information on this site.
  • The operators of this site are instructed to report to legal authorities any acts that may be associated with human trafficking or other acts that are perceived to potentially bring harm to specifically a minor child or contexts to a lesser degree; and as such the user consents to such actions.
  • The user agrees to endure typos, spelling errors and other grammar mistakes while this site is being matured and if compelled to take some action, limit such action to placing suggestions to the applicable page when such mechanisms are functional.
  • The content of this site is copyrighted 2019 with all rights reserved worldwide; except for the data provided by the software used to provision this site and information provided through links collectively of which shall be covered under the respective terms of the applicable copyrighted works.

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